The message on the sleeve:

      God has His own subtle ways how to work in our lives, how He brings about change in our
story. Most probably you would not notice. You might discover what He did years later when
you look back and realize that someone was behind all these astonishing stories. However,
God’s greatness is not seen in what he does outside you but in what He does within you. He has
a way how, when you walk with Him, He moves into your life and brings about a change in you,
an important change that you could have never accomplished on your own. This work in us I call
it fire, a blazing fire that purifies us in such a way that His beauty is seen in us. So let us surrender
ourselves to Him so that this fire will bring the long-waited change in us.

      Alla għandu metodi fini ta’ kif jaħdem fil-ħajja tagħna, kif jaġixxi fl-istorja ta’ ħajjitna. Ħafna
drabi ma tindunax. Kultant tinduna snin wara li jkun għamel xi ħaġa fik meta tħares lura u tiskopri
l-ħafna kumbinazzjonijiet li juruk li kien hemm xi ħadd wara dawn l-istejjer kollha. Imma l-kobor
t’Alla ma jidhirx l-aktar f’dak li jagħmel minn barra, imma f’dak li jagħmel minn ġewwa. Għandu
mod kif, meta timxi miegħu, jidħol f’ħajjtek u jġib bidla, il-bidla li tant għandek bżonn u li qatt ma
stajt tagħmel waħdek. Din il-ħidma tiegħu f’ħajjitna jien sejjaħtilha nar, nar iħeġġeġ li jaħraq u
jippurifika sakemm is-sabiħ tiegħu jidher fina. Ejjew nintelqu f’idejh u nafdawh ħalli dan in-nar jġib
bidla sħiħa fina.

       The Album Nar iħeġġeġ features the official song of the marathon Oħloq tbissima and the now popular program on television Bla mħabba…
ħalxejn produced by CPI. You can hear some fantastic leading guitar passages done by Andrew Zammit. Debbie Scerri, Andrew Zammit,
Andrew Cauchi (three established singers in Malta) together with Mario Cucciardi, Paula Pace, Sonia Salerno and Tiziana Grech did the
backing vocals in some of the songs. Jacob Portelli has done a marvelous job in the song De Profundis playing the harp, the cello and the violin.
Another newcomer in Fr Karm’s album is Roger Camilleri on the drums. The album was recorded, programmed, mixed and mastered by
Andrew Zammit at Tone Studios.