The message on the sleeve:
I thank the Lord that He has descended from heaven to be born like one of us. Christmas
has a special meaning to each one of us because it brings with it beautiful memories that recur
every year. I wanted to add to these Christmas traditions by writing these songs that we might
continue to sing every December. Let us sing along with the angels on Christmas night.

     Inrodd ħajr lill-Mulej li ċċekken biex twieled għalina u sar tarbija bħalna. Il-Milied għandu
sens qawwi għal kull wieħed minna għax miegħu hemm marbutin tradizzjonijiet sbieħ li ma
jmutu qatt. Xtaqt nagħti s-sehem tiegħi ma’ dawn it-tifkiriet ta’ kull Diċembru billi nikteb
dawn l-għanjiet. Ejjew inkantaw flimkien ma’ l-anġli f’dak il-lejl.

    This is the forth album of Fr Karm: mal-kant ta’ l-anġli (along with the singing of the angles). Four of the songs were previously recorded 
for other albums. The rest were newly composed for this album which contains various styles as in all the other CDs. We hear for the first
time Fr Karm singing an R & B song. Some songs have a traditional Christmas theme while others contain a more serious topic. Also for the
first time we hear children singing with Fr Karm. Like all the other albums mal-kant ta’ l-anġli was recorded, mixed and mastered at Tone
Studios by Andrew Zammit.