The message on the sleeve:

      For the founder of the Missionary Society of St Paul, Joseph De Piro, the key to heaven is that which St Paul says: Christ lives in me. It is the unity with Jesus that has the power to change us. This album is all about this central idea to become another Christ. 'Agħmilni Bħalek' (Make me like You) seems to be a pretentious prayer, too bold, but in reality that is what matters. One should enter in God's presence to be filled with what He is, with his holiness. Without this holiness we cannot see the face of God. To live the life of Christ is not an abstract idea but the meaning of Christian life. The prayers in these songs may help you to allow Jesus to do this in you.       

      Għall-Fundatur tas-Soċjetą Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl, Mons. Ġużeppi De Piro, iċ-ċavetta tal-ġenna hi dak li jgħid San Pawl: Kristu jgħix fija. Hi din l-għaqda tagħna ma’ Ġesł li għandha l-qawwa tibdilna fih. Dan l-album hu kollu marbut ma’ din l-idea ċentrali li nsiru Kristu ieħor. “Agħmilni Bħalek” tinstema’ li hi talba qawwija, forsi goffa, imma fir-realtą dan hu dak li jiswa. Irridu nidħlu fil-preżenza t’Alla biex nimtlew b’dak li hu Hu, bil-qdusija tiegħu. Mingħajr din il-qdusija m’aħniex ser naraw il-wiċċ t’Alla. Li ngħixu l-ħajja ta’ Kristu mhix xi idea astratta imma s-sens vera tal-ħajja Nisranija. It-talb f’dawn l-għanjiet jista’ jgħinek biex tħalli lil Ġesł stess jagħmel dan fik.

       The Album Agħmilni Bħalek features the official songs for the ordination celebrations of the new archbishop of Malta, Mons. Paul Cremona. The album has the worship style of most contemporary christian music which is basically soft rock. The album is recorded as usual at Tone Recording Studios by Andrew Zammit with a live band. Different musicians accompanied Fr Karm: Andrew Zammit on the lead guitar and Bass; Bernard Falzon and Edward Ellul also played on the bass; the drummers were Alexander Debono, Noel Grech and Roger Camilleri and on the percussions Peter Paul Galea; Jacob Portelli played the cello and Fr Karm the mandolin, rhythm guitar and  Keyboard. The graphics of the sleeve was done by Clinton Farrugia mssp.